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4 Tips on Learning to Play Tennis Later in Life

You are 40 and wish to play tennis for fitness. What’s wrong with this? Many people think playing tennis at the age of 40 is not possible. It requires years of experience to be perfect. So, the practice should start at an early age.

If this is the thing, then what people at the age of 40 will do if they are passionate about tennis but were not able to in their childhood? Should they forget their passion and do things that other people of the same age do? Absolutely not.

Tennis is a very forgiving sport. This sport does not mind if you don’t practice it at a young age. It will welcome you wholeheartedly whenever you want to play it. So, whether you are 40 or even older, you should start playing tennis if you love it. But keep a few important points in mind to learn the game.

You should have proper equipment

For playing tennis, you do not need a lot of things. A racket and some gym clothes including proper shoes are enough to start your tennis journey. If you are not comfortable with gym clothes, wear what you like. The objective is you should be comfortable while playing. As tennis involves lots of footwork, your shoes should be comfortable too.

You should start with proper instructions

Without guidance and proper instruction, playing tennis can be risky. You might get injured because of wrong movements and shots. You might sprain your feet and hand severely. So, we recommend joining adult tennis classes in a reputable tennis academy. Age does not matter for joining tennis classes. In tennis classes, you will develop good habits from the first day and drop your not-so-good habits step by step. Also, you will not spend time backtracking.

You should use a ball machine

In tennis classes, professionals will guide you with the rules of the game and help you practice in the right way without getting hurt. According to us, practicing during tennis classes will be enough to learn the game. But, if you want to practice more after your classes, you should use a ball machine. You should use this only after knowing the basics of the forehand and backhand stroke. Do inform your coach about using a ball machine at home. You should follow the instructions given by the coach.

You should play regularly

As already said, tennis requires practice. You shouldn’t expect to excel at the game after attending a few classes and practicing some days using your ball machine. To improve your techniques and master the game, you should play regularly. Try to go to your tennis lessons and play with a partner every week. This will condition your muscle memory. You will find improvement in yourself week after week.

Tennis is for you, no matter what your age is. So, start learning the game today and enjoy your life.







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