Understanding goals and habits is crucial for successful player development. There are three types of goals: “outcome,” “performance,” and “process goals.” Outcome goals relate to competition and winning, but they are not always under your control. In contrast, performance, process goals, and good habits are more controllable and can help you achieve the desired outcome.
Athletes must recognize that they have limited control over the outcome goals of winning matches or tournaments. The true champions, ones that achieve real greatness, understand this, and shift their focus to what they can control far more: good habits, performance, and process goals. These elements are within their grasp and, when achieved, can significantly enhance their sense of accomplishment and their chances of reaching the desired outcome.
Good habits, which are also referred to as “Habits for Success (HFS)” in “The Saviano Method,” serve as the basis for accomplishing significant goals. They help you stay focused, disciplined, efficient, and in control. By combining good habits with performance and process goals, you can create a sound plan for success. Here are a few examples:
An example of a performance goal is serving 65% first serves in competition. The process goal might be to practice serving 100 first serves per day. The HFS is practicing extra serves every training day in the morning before practice. Another performance goal might be to improve your speed, and the process goal could include extra sprints daily. An example of HFS would run after and stretch for every ball during practice.
The Saviano Method (TSM) focuses on developing good habits – HFS – and performance and process goals that lead to steady incremental improvement daily; this creates a compounding effect over time, leading to exponential growth. This incredible process leads to mastering skills and increased discipline, self-confidence, and belief. It fosters a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of life’s success. To be precise, laser focus on the task at hand, staying focused on only that which you can control, and one day at a time, staying absorbed in maximizing each day. These types of fundamental principles of life success are the foundation of The Saviano Method, offering athletes a sense of continuous growth and improvement. This process is one secret to becoming a great competitor with a tremendously competitive spirit while maintaining an optimum mindset!
Note: Recommended reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.
Nick Saviano
April 2024